All cats need grooming – some just more than others! The cats mostly commonly in need of a little extra grooming from a professional are medium to long haired and senior cats. If your cat is not maintaining their coat the loose fur in their coat will build up resulting in tangles and eventually matting. Not only is this unsightly, but it is also uncomfortable for your cat and may cause dandruff, greasy, dull, or dry coat, self-trauma, and skin infections which may require veterinary attention.
We offer an at home grooming service to get your cat looking and feeling fabulous once more! Your cat will receive a nail trim, ear clean, clipping, comb and thin out as required. You will not need to provide a ‘special’ area for grooming, and I will clean up afterwards.
Whether your cat is friendly, shy, or feisty, we see them all. At your first visit, we will discuss your cat’s temperament and needs so we can formulate a plan before we begin.
The cost for this varies depending on your location and the condition of your cat’s coat. Please contact us for more information.
Please note
- We do not use any sedation or drugs, just confident handling.
- We do not provide bathing services.