Contact Us

Business Hours

Hours of Service

I ask that you are respectful of these hours of business and refrain from calling outside of these hours. I am unable to answer while driving or in appointments so text or email is best. You are welcome to email at any time and I will be in touch when I am able. If you have an emergency concerning your pet’s health, please contact your veterinarian or the After-Hours Veterinary Clinic in Christchurch.

Monday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday CLOSED
Contact Us

New clients wanting to make a booking, please also complete the new client registration form.

Thank you for your Interest

Thank you for your interest in Nursing Pawfection’s services. I am on leave from 1st September until 17th September. I will not have access to my emails, nor will I be available for phone calls, text, or Facebook messages during this time.

For new clients, please complete the new client form and a client enquiry with details of the services you are interested in and appointments which may suit you. This will enable me to get you booked in quickly upon my return.

I appreciate your patience while I take some time off to recharge. I will be in touch when I return.