LickiMat Slow Feeder Plate Mini – Black


LickiMat Slow Feeder Plate Mini – Black

Original price was: $14.50.Current price is: $8.00.

Many dogs eat far too quickly, gulping down their meal in seconds. Eating this way can cause vomiting or very serious medical problems from bloat to twisted bowel. Traditional slow feeders work by adding obstructions or maze like structures to the bowl, making it difficult for the dog to get to the food. While effective, this can be very frustrating, and in some cases, result in anxiety.

SloDog is a unique approach to combating slow feeding or anti gulping.  This large surface area. with shallow pockets, splits the meal into multiple mini meals. The dog simply eats one mini meal at a time. All food is in plain sight and does not have to be chased which reduces frustration.

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